That the canonization of Pius has taken so long is probably a symptom of the doubts that have prevailed about his pontificate. Those who want to speed up the process towards Pacelli s elevated status refer in particular to his Christmas sermon in There, the Pope speaks of the hundreds of thousands who, because of descent and nationality, face imminent death But the Jews are not mentioned explicitly. The critics therefore say that the Pope is guilty of vague formulations that can hardly be said to support the moral expectations that his office invites and which is Catholic self understanding.
Pius could have contributed to a storm of protest against the murders, but it was easy. Why Do not take part in protests The Polish government in exile in London whatsapp mobile number list published a white book in the autumn of about the mass murders and took the initiative for an allied declaration with a warning. The Vatican was invited to sign, but declined. The declaration was made public on December These newly discovered documents show that the Pope had direct access to knowledge of the murders in the east.
An Italian businessman, Malwezzi, wrote directly to the Pope s secretary Giovanni Montini, later Pope Paul VI. The date was September and Malwezzi wrote in detail about the bloodbaths of which the Jews were victims in Poland. At the end of August the Catholic Archbishop of Limberg now Lvov Andrej Szeptyrzkyj sent detailed descriptions of the abuse to Pius XII. They were worse than those that took place under the Bolshevik regime, he said. In Kiev alone, people had fallen victim to this diabolical rule. The inconvenient truth Pius keepers refer to the eleven volumes of documents that.